Whew! This is our busiest September yet. We have 100% more clients than we had last September and the work is becoming more and more…
It’s a Happy New Year because Tuesday, September 04, 2007 was the first working day of our year working with Financial Advisors as the majority…
Remember to use the SMART Goal Setting Strategy; S – Specific M – Measurable A – Action-Oriented R – Realistic T – Time-Focused It is…
“Seeking pure awareness without engaging lovingly with our life is a day dream. Living in this relative world without vision is a nightmare” – Japanese…
The Unmet Need Disease™ This is the new book title that is on the table. Consider … Clearing Your Roadblocks To Success or Removing Your…
Sometimes the best laid plans have to be changed. I am writing this publicly as a demonstration that being authentic and honest is the best…
The last 10 days have been rather busy since leaving for Toronto, ON on Sunday, August 19th for two speaking presentations for Pro-Seminars in Toronto…
Monday included a partial Client Day in the early morning and the balance of the day was invested in fine tuning our Brand working with…