My Planning Review Process and Re-Focus from Web Site Building back to Sales & Marketing reminds me of how tough it was to Re-Focus from…
Last week was very unusual for me in that when I asked “how can I serve this week” and the answer was “don’t” – I…
In speaking with a client yesterday – My recommendation to my client is to create a Big Vision and concentrate on the daily actions and…
A great day working with clients. In my spare time I continued on with my planning review using mind mapping. Though this process I had…
I confess. I’m actually doing what I recommend. Actually stopping to take the time to again – review, reflect, recognize and re-focus. And heaven forbid…
So ……….. The Web Site Speaking Pages are complete and now we are off like a shot to Market them. Right? – Wrong! In follow…
Saturday started with sleeping in, walking the dog, a tan, washing the truck, errands, shopping, a movie – Crash and dinner at LilyKate Fine Foods…
An early edition – The New Expert Coach and Expert Public Speaker Web Site Is Live! – Check it out here. Wed. & Thu. Reminded…