Whew! Many lessons learned today from my coach and working with the creative people that build web sites, e-newsletters and blogs. Too much to share…
I woke clear and ready to go as a result of the massage. I completed my journaling questions – an outstanding week! Sales have been…
My voice recognition software was up and running all day yesterday so everything that I said to the many clients that I spoke with is…
A busy Wednesday and Thursday are ahead with 1-hour coaching calls. I have concentrated my one on one coaching calls into two days of the…
February was a very busy month and to put things back into perspective, I did my month end review yesterday and today. The outcome is…
The following message is something that I want to share and for me to remember when burning the midnight oil and working extra time to…
I came to realize that the Feb 15th e-newsletters were written Feb 7 – 9 to enable us to publish them before the Chris Barrow…
“What would a leader do next? It’s better to lead than to follow”. I woke up at 6am Saturday to write the E-Newsletters for Simon’s…