A great week; 5% of sales sold and 51% of sales proposals presented to meet 90 day sales goal and we are only 1 week in. We are very pleased with the web site and we are adding a Free Ask The Advisor Teleclass, Public Speaking Pages and more Streaming Video the first of the week.
I’ve come to the realization – “approach public speaking with a 35,000 ft. plan” so I am preparing a 35,000 public speaking plan, integrating the public speaking plan with my 35,000 ft. marketing plan and I have hired a world class public speaking marketing coach.
So the actions for next week are;
* Complete the 35,000 public speaking plan
* Complete the orientation call with my public speaking marketing coach
* Invest 2 – 3 hours per day in marketing action – research, e-mail or call niche associations, companies, conferences, mgas, newsletters, speaking bureaus & wholesalers etc and e-mail speaking page link to decision makers
* Subscribe to niche publications
* Join niche associations
* Research and read niche publications and write about industry issues
* Build strategic alliances
The reason that I must approach the speaking from 35,000 feet is that I don’t want to be doing talks for the “Purple Haired Lawn Bowlers Association”. 🙂 Forgive me if there are any readers with purple hair that lawn bowl.
The question has to be clearly answered, “what am I selling?” And the “branding” question has to be answered. There is an expression, “If you are not clear on your brand, someone will give you one”.
So at this stage, I serve both Business Professionals & Business Leaders which is still too generic and not niche specific. I love working with Entrepreneurial Business Leaders. Entrepreneurs is not a niche, it is a demographic. And this brings me back to Leading Advisor and the gist of what the name is all about.
What I am heading towards is “Leading Financial Advisor” and marketing “Being” an Advisor on an international level and for the time being, serving Business Professionals & Business Leaders on a local level and looking after the Business Leader clients that come our way by attraction. And – no one said that you can’t market to more than one niche. I gotta watch myself, sometimes I can be too black and white.
And this will mean, building a new site; Leading Financial Advisor featuring “Being” an Advisor.
Again, you have heard me say, “Life is not a dress rehearsal”.
Messages can come from the strangest places –
Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?
Lose Yourself – Eminem
So may the E-Newsletter subscribers flow. The TV commercial will be airing starting Monday from April 11th to the 27th on the Morning and 11pm BCTV News on Global.
We are all very excited.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You