In preparation for a Client Coaching Call I was considering how to approach a situation that a client has created for themselves by neglecting to do the action steps that are required to sustain a critical part of their business.
I thought of a series of questions to ask.
Have you had a Mid Life Crisis or are you on your way to the next?
You know the stories, we have all heard them.
“I don’t know what happened. Dick or Jane appeared to be the happiest person in the world. They had a great job, marriage, family and they were really involved in the community and then one day. BANG. They quit their job, left their spouse and family and completely disconnected from their lives. I guess they had a Mid Life crisis.”
What happens to cause this? Why does it happen? How does it happen?
To their colleagues, family and friends it feels like Dick or Jane went “postal”.
Could it be that Dick or Jan were unaware that they were trying to fulfill their lives through meeting unconscious unmet needs and the more they worked at medicating their lives with what would appear to fulfill them through career, family and friends it just wasn’t enough?
The unmet needs that I am referring to are worthiness, security, perfection, recognition, power and control.
Could these unmet needs cause one to neglect critical action steps that are required to sustain a critical part of either their personal or business lives?
Could it be that David Duchovni of the “X Files” was wrong – that “The answer is out there?”
An unmet need cannot be fulfilled by career, relationship, possessions, position or money. The answer is not out there.
The answer is within.
So instead of chasing the next deal, relationship or possession -.
Take the time to acknowledge yourself for the good that you are doing and give thanks for what you have.
This way you will be fulfilled from the inside out creating the inner foundation that will provide you with the energy and focus to do the business and personal tasks that we all sometimes do not enjoy.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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