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Clear Your Roadblocks eNewsletter – April 2009

The Fine Art Of Surfacing

Welcome to the April edition of our Clearing Your Roadblocks E-Newsletter.

A lot has happened since the March edition of the Clearing Your Roadblocks E-Newsletter.

Laura and I have not had that many weekends at home because my mother at 89 has been in and out of the hospital since February 19th with COPD – chronic respiratory pulmonary disease, a broken leg, and a heart attack … and the good news is she has recovered through all of this.

The gift that my mother Irene gave me through this is in having the compassion for my mother and with experiencing the sadness and grieving of the potential loss of my mother. I have learned a lot about how to deal with loss. You are welcome to click on the following article that I have written that relate to my experience;

Through this process, it made me realize what financial advisors must be experiencing with their clients financial losses. To this end, I am writing a brand new financial advisor speaking PowerPoint presentation called The Compassionate Advisor. I am delivering The Compassionate Advisor at The Independent Financial Brokers Summit in Calgary on April 22nd and I’ll record the presentation and turn it into an e-book.

I have included an article in this e-newsletter called The Fine Art of Surfacing and a link to Grieving Your Financial Losses which are part of The Compassionate Advisor.

I’ve enjoyed Spencer Johnson’s new book called Peaks and Valleys which have inspired me to write Peaks and Valleys and Recession Is Great For Client Segmentation.

On my way to creating a Live Leading Advisor Workshop, I am also writing a brand new financial advisor speaking PowerPoint presentation called The Six Degrees Of Life Insurance Connection which I will be delivering at The Independent Financial Brokers Summit in Toronto on May 26th.

Our financial advisor speaking bookings have gone very well and I having completed presentations to Financial Management in Vancouver on March 10th, Financial Management in Calgary on March 12th and Advocis Victoria on March 26th.

“Relevant and timely material. This was not a bunch of hype, but instead was very useful. You delivered, and then some!”
Neil Hanson – Sun Life Financial

“Emphasizes planning and goal setting with a focus on the big picture and downplays the recession – it is a state of mind. The systems Simon has are very good, great information for all advisors.”
Brian Prochnicki – Investors Group

Click here to read the rest of the financial advisor speaking testimonials.

Here is the balance of our financial advisor speaking bookings in advance of the summer.

Date Company City
April 22nd Independent Financial Brokers Summit Calgary, AB
April 29th Advocis North Central Sask. Chapter Saskatoon, SK
May 7th Investors Group Nanaimo, BC
May 22nd Advocis Newfoundland & Labrador Chapter St. John’s, NL
May 26th Independent Financial Brokers Summit Toronto, ON
May 27th Independent Financial Brokers Summit Toronto, ON
June 18th Advocis Toronto Chapter Toronto, ON

To assist you in making the second quarter of 2009 your best quarter ever, please click the following links to blogs that I have written;

In closing, here are a couple of articles that relate to The Unmet Needs Disease;

Enjoy the read and thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Simon Reilly
The Financial Advisor Coach
1 877 248 6019

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“Clear Your Roadblocks”


Leading Advisor The Fine Art of Surfacing

The Compassionate Advisor™ PowerPoint is going well and I’ve thinking about everything that I have learned over the years to relieve stress and this idea came to me from days gone by.

Step one – close your eyes and imagine your subconscious mind as an ocean of space.

Step two – imagine all of your worries floating like bubbles in the ocean of your subconscious mind and examples could be; aging parents, business, cash flow, clients, compliance, crime, debt, disease, education, sales, retirement, terrorism, the economy, the environment and war.

Your list probably isn’t as long as the one I created. I took the liberty to think of as many things as I could to stir up your subconscious mind. I believe that it is best to get these things out onto the surface versus having them buried deep below the surface where they can fester and create some real long term damage. At the same time, I believe that thoughts are real forces and if I think about and emotionalize a negative thought long enough I will make it real and attract it to me.

As an example, if I were a financial advisor and I have an upcoming meeting with a client and I fear that my client is going to be angry with me I am going to approach the meeting coming from the place that I have to defend around what they are going to say. If I were to release my fear about what I have to do for the client and first show them some compassion, I would likely find that it is more about offering my client empathy and listening and more about being than doing.

Step three – imagine standing under a waterfall.

Step four – imagine each one of your worries floating like bubbles in the ocean of your subconscious mind coming to the surface and being washed away by the waterfall out of your subconscious mind and away from you downstream so that the bubbles, along with your worries, are getting smaller and smaller, and one by one you can’t see, hear, or feel them any more.

Step five – all that you can see is the stillness of your subconscious mind, all you hear is stillness of your subconscious mind, and all you can feel is the stillness of your subconscious mind, and you know that you are now ready to consciously surface to make this best day that you have ever had.