Do you want to know how to get busy in September? Get busy in August! The signs of economic recovery are all around us as this…
Paulo Coelho’s new book, The Winner Stands Alone, was a read that I had to fight myself not to put down not because it was…
We are working with a private group of financial advisors through The Clear Your Roadblocks One Day Workshop and The Clear Your Roadblocks Coaching GYM…
The first Monday in August is recognized as British Columbia Day. Enjoy your day; I’ll be back on Tuesday. * * * I wrote this…
Segwaying off of Spencer Johnson’s new book called Peaks and Valleys, Spencer talks about the notions of; Peaks – practicing with purpose, celebrating before going…
John, It’s Simon from XYZ Financial and I know you are probably busy with the summer … we have been in touch about building your…
“Blogging is about the humility that comes from writing it.” – Seth Godin
Placid, peaceful and private – too bad some people can’t enjoy it because they have no life balance because even though they are on holiday…