A day of reflection
You know how newspapers do an early edition. Well this is what I am going to do my best to do. Publish my Blog the
April 12, 2005
Free “Ask the Advisor” Teleclass available now!
Today’s Blog is posted early because our TV Ads will be starting anytime after 6am on Monday. A big day for us with the Ads
April 11, 2005
90 day goal tracking, public speaking with a 35,000 ft. plan and TV commercial will be airing starting Monday
A great week; 5% of sales sold and 51% of sales proposals presented to meet 90 day sales goal and we are only 1 week
April 9, 2005
Have you had a Mid Life Crisis or are you on your way to the next?
In preparation for a Client Coaching Call I was considering how to approach a situation that a client has created for themselves by neglecting to
April 8, 2005
I’m re-thinking the teleclass
A great day with finally delivering the April 1st E-Newsletters and the Revised Web Site Launch! Web Site traffic is through the roof and we
April 7, 2005