The Affirmation Really Paid Off
The Show Reel Development work, reorganizing the Removing Your Roadblocks To Success Power Point and the Affirmation really paid off for Tuesday’s 8am EDT Financial
January 10, 2007
31 Days Of Holiday Blogs – Day 27 of 31 Secrets To Succeed In 2007
The twenty-seventh secret The twenty-seventh secret is take action. When you are awake to your vision, inspiration and ideas come to you and it s
January 10, 2007
Setting The Stage For Tomorrow’s Pro-Seminars Toronto Presentation
I’m writing this blog entry at 8:55pm EDT sitting in bed with my laptop after a long and successful day working with my clients over
January 9, 2007
31 Days Of Holiday Blogs – Day 26 of 31 Secrets To Succeed In 2007
The twenty-sixth secret The twenty-sixth secret is wake up early. Seize the day! Make it so! Get on with your life and lead. Leadership takes
January 9, 2007
Happy New Year – On The Road Again!
To start off, I thought that it would be fun to take a picture of all of the equipment that I take with me to
January 8, 2007