At The Ego Café
It’s 6:20am on Tuesday morning and I’ve been at the Ego Café since 5:30am completing a review of the day ahead for my client calls
September 11, 2007
Cry, Cry In My Beer Or Cry In My Blog
Given that I don’t drink, I’ll cry in Blog. I’m keeping it short as I have no time because I have to complete another Power
September 10, 2007
Budget Cash Flow Insanity
I’m opening my speaking presentations with the questions; • Are you a financial advisor? • Are you a financial survivor? I believe that many financial
September 7, 2007
Be Careful What I Wish For
Whew! This is our busiest September yet. We have 100% more clients than we had last September and the work is becoming more and more
September 6, 2007
Happy New Year!
It’s a Happy New Year because Tuesday, September 04, 2007 was the first working day of our year working with Financial Advisors as the majority
September 5, 2007