Profile Magnified
Our profile is being magnified because The Advocis Forum Magazine published Are You Emotionally Retired And What To Do About It in the October Edition.
Thanksgiving – These Testimonials Make It All Worthwhile
I received the following unsolicited testimonials on Friday, October 5, 2007, in advance of the Canadian Thanksgiving Long Weekend. My client’s comments really help to
Happy Thanksgiving Open Blog
Wishing all of you a Happy Canadian Thanksgiving – Monday, October 8th. I’m calling this an Open Blog because I will be adding my List
You Get What You Ask For
Apart from the Winnipeg, MB Pro-Seminars audience being very dry, I feel that my Removing Your Roadblocks presentation was successful for the following reasons. The
Java + Being Clientcentric And Gigcentric
Here’s an e-mail that I sent to Laura on Tuesday morning right after my 8am EST Removing Your Roadblocks To Success Power Point presentation to