Ah! The glamour of being on the road! It’s 2:10pm EDT on Thursday and I am sitting in the empty restaurant of the Fairfield Inn…
Its 7am EST and I am just doing a quick Blog before I speak at Pro-Seminars here in Toronto, ON. Today is the 5th anniversary…
That’s why the call it a laptop computer … with the Vancouver Island Highway in the foreground. We really do live in the wilderness. It’s…
It’s 7pm on Monday evening and I’m both tired and energized from a day on the phone of working with my clients. Tuesday beings another…
Sunrise on Saturday morning from the deck of a BC Ferry heading towards Horseshow Bay on the Mainland Of British Columbia. 4pm, Saturday, October 13,…
Laura and I took the liberty to have an early celebration of having the book “editor ready” by October 15th by taking the afternoon of…
It’s 5:30am on Friday, October 12 and I’ve just spent a ½ an hour getting sorted out to get back onto indexing my articles to…
It’s 8:35am PST on Thursday, October 11th. I have 80 – 8 ½” x 11″ pages indexed to the type set audio of my Power…