Would You Like To Get Away From Feeling Like You Are In The Middle Of Nowhere When Hiring Assistants, Junior Advisors And Marketing Assistants?
We have been successfully assisting our financial advisor clients for years with attracting and hiring the above noted positions to attract a functional and sustainable hire that will not turn into your next “Fatal Hiring Attraction”.
Hiring is all about getting clear about what you want and working with the laws of attraction to attract what you want versus focusing on what you don’t want.
The definition of hiring insanity is trying to hire using the same negative beliefs about hiring and using the same outdated system over and over again and expecting different results.
What’s sad is this same old pattern usually causes individuals to give up trying to hire because they believe it is impossible to attract the right hire and they stay stuck and continue to do $20.00 per hour work which holds them back in both their business and personal lives.
Here are the steps that we take when we work with a client to attract a functional and sustainable hire.
We can assist you with some or all of the following steps. If you would like to have a conversation about your hiring project, please call or e-mail me at 1 877 248 6012 or sreilly@leadingadvisor.com.
Steps To Attracting A Functional And Sustainable Hire
1. Interview client and create job description. We really help the client dig into what they want to do and what “don’t” they want to do.
2. Assess the Values & Behaviors that the position requires. This creates a benchmark or a gauge to make sure that we are hiring the person that has the Values & Behaviors for the position. Values equal why a person does what they do and Behaviors equals how a person does what they do. A Values & Behaviors match will make sure that the person has the staying power for the position. This process also eliminates finding out that the person that you hired is someone else in six months time.
3. Write Employment Ad so the client can submit the Ad.
4. Receive resumes on behalf of client
5. Send acknowledgement of receipt of resumes, our Introduction and an explanation of our hiring process to candidates
6. Review resumes, shortlist and send thank you letter to those that do not qualify
7. Send e-mail questionnaire to qualified candidates
8. Shortlist again and send thank you letter to those that do not qualify
9. Telephone interview w/ Leading Advisor
10. Shortlist again and send thank you letter to those that do not qualify
11. Reference check
12. Send Values & Behaviors Assessment to candidate for completion.
13. Shortlist again and send thank you letter to those that do not qualify
14. Telephone call with client to discuss shortlisted candidates
15. Final candidates advised that they will be meeting with client. Candidates and client appointments arranged to meet with client in his office.
16. All information relevant to final candidates is sent to client for his review as well.
17. Live interview with client
18. Final decision made by client.
19. Debrief client after new assistant starts
20. Debrief assistant after new assistant starts

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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