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Think Bigger Part 1

Why haven’t you had a plan or a vision up until now?  Because the minute you think about your vision, you immediately think about the world around you.

It used to be, that would bring up images of peace on earth, cars with tail fins with lots of power, the house with the white picket fence, Sunday, Monday, Happy Days with Fonzie and Richie and Jonnie Cunningham.

Ed Sullivan was introducing, “Ladies and gentlemen, The Beatles,” and Paul McCartney was singing, “Yesterday.” 

But today, what are you thinking about?  All of the world’s problems:

  • Climate change
  • Crime
  • Disease
  • Economy
  • Electrical shortages
  • Exploding shampoo bottles 
  • Homeless
  • Hunger
  • Oil shortages
  • Terrorism
  • War

We turn on the television set and watch the news and get bombarded some more with stories about all of those things.  Why do we turn on the news?  Why are we addicted to these stories?  Why does misery love company?

Because, when we think about other people’s problems, it distracts us from thinking about our own.  It helps us to cope by saying, “My problems aren’t that bad, look at how bad their problems are.”

We can go back to our sleepwalk through life, doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.  We stick our heads in the sand, we cope and we just do the stuff that’s easy.  We’re being financial survivors, not financial advisors.

This article was originally published in Curing The Unmet Needs Disease © Simon Reilly 2008