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Fall Back!

As a Financial Advisor Personal Coach, one of my meditation techniques, hold up; don’t lose your mind over the word meditation. Meditation can simply mean “no thought”, just to give the overworked and over thinking brain a rest. You don’t go to the gym and work out 24/7; do you? So why do you need to think 24/7?

Like the research that indicates that turning back the clock on Sunday reduces the risk of heart attacks, as a Financial Advisor Personal Coach, I offer my clients a technique to turn back or slow down and stop their thinking which slows their heart beat in the process.

Swedish researchers looked at 20 years of records and discovered that the number of heart attacks dipped on the Monday after clocks were set back an hour, possibly because people got an extra hour of sleep.

A Financial Advisor Personal Coach helps their financial advisor clients to find peace of mind. We are all over stimulated, especially in this new economy with information overload and it is becoming more and more difficult to find peace of mind.

Without peace of mind it is so easy to get hooked into the survival based primal ego mind with its unmet needs of survival. Click here to claim the first six free chapters of my new book; Curing The Unmet Needs Disease – How to Prosper in Business by Meeting Your Unmet Needs ~ Financial Advisor Edition.

When you are hooked into survival it is impossible to create a vision for the future and those around us can smell the fear which can trigger the fears of others in the process.

The addiction to fear is rampant. As a Financial Advisor Personal Coach, it is my view that the markets did well last week. 

The talking head on the radio was doing the Saturday morning news which was followed by an introduction to a guest financial expert and the talking head’s introductory question was; “so how much more bad news was there in the economy last week”? There is an expression; “you get that you focus on”.

Financial Advisor Personal Coaching Strategies On How To Fall Back From Negativity 

  • Find a quiet place where you can get comfortable for 5 – 20 minutes
  • Close your eyes and imagine in your mind’s eye the face of a clock, the numbers and the hands of the clock
  • To associate to the clock, watch sweep hand that counts the seconds
  • Count along with the seconds from 12 o’clock
  • One, two, three, four, five …. all the way to sixty and repeat
  • Even if a thought comes in, trust that you already have the thought documented in your planning system and even if you don’t, the thought will come back to you at the end of the meditation
  • One, two, three, four, five …. all the way to sixty and repeat
  • Notice how slowly a minute went by
  • As you continue to count the numbers, concentrate on the face of the clock, the sweep hand and the numbers
  • One, two, three, four, five …. all the way to sixty and repeat
  • As you concentrate, your outcome is to have no other thought other than the face of the clock, the sweep hand and the numbers
  • This is sort of like putting your mind through the mind gym practicing concentration and focus
  • As you continue to concentrate on counting
  • Imagine in the face of the clock in your mind’s eyes and you are reaching out toward the face of the clock with your finger and you are touching the sweep hand and slowing the clock down with your finger
  • Twenty ………. Twenty one ………. Twenty two ………. Twenty three ………. Twenty four ………. Twenty five
  • The more you concentrate on the face of a clock, the numbers and the hands of the clock you are noticing that you can become thoughtless
  • Twenty six ………. Twenty seven ………. Twenty eight ………. Twenty nine ………. Thirty
  • As you are pacing yourself, imagine your heart in your minds eye and that your heart beat slowing to and operating at its regular resting heart rate of 70 bpm
  • As you continue to count the numbers, concentrate on the face of the clock, the sweep hand and the numbers
  • You realize that you are a human being and not a human doing and that you love yourself enough to take 5 – 20 minutes out of your day to “fall back”.

It’s Sunday morning as I continue to work on two new powerpoints for next week’s speaking presentations at The Toronto Independent Financial Brokers Summit. I’m nearly finished the powerpoints, then I will ID the project files that I need for my trip and pack as Laura and I are catching and 8am flight on Monday to Toronto.

An exciting trip indeed with our new book, powerpoints, tradeshow booth and web site all in tow. 

With the completion of all of this, all I have to do is spread the word about Curing The Unmet Needs Disease – How to Prosper in Business by Meeting Your Unmet Needs ~ Financial Advisor Edition.