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Do You Believe You Can Get Your Needs Met From Social Media?

A colleague passed on these two graphics to me last week which demonstrate the assumption that one can get their unmet needs met from social media.

Advertisers do this all the time conveying messages that their product or service will meet the unmet needs of the unconscious masses.

I don’t believe that one can meet their unmet needs from or through business, career, clients, family, friends, money or possessions or social media … unmet needs must be met from within. When I talk about unmet needs I am talking about the unmet needs of; approval, recognition, safety and worthiness. To read more on this check out What Are The Practice Management Issues That Many Advisors Are Facing? Or check out Curing The Unmet Needs Disease.

If unmet needs are not met consciously from within, then one could easily be experiencing OCSMD – Obsessive Compulsive Social Media Disorder.

Source: http://www.infographicsarchive.com/social-media/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-and-the-social-media-that-fulfill-them/






Source: http://johnantonios.com/