Having a routine is both a blessing and a curse and while a routine serves us to do things like wake up early to practice…
I’m behind the times as Vancouver as been proclaimed the First For Net Worth over Calgary. Here I was thinking all along that Toronto was…
This economy is creating the need to create a clear letter of engagement. In the days of milk and honey one could comfortably go forward…
“You are the best motivational speaker that I have ever heard” said one participant at the end of the private client workshop that I completed…
Hiring without a written plan and job description is like sex before marriage. The written plan and job description are the marriage certificate and the…
The fear of change, driven by The Unmet Needs Disease keeps you addicted to busyness doing the same things over and over again expecting a…
Monday, July 14th at 1:40pm and powering through writing a PowerPoint and workbook for the workshop that I am delivering on July 16th and Bruce…
There is an expression … you don’t have a secret, the secret has you. Taking it a step further, you don’t have unmet needs, limiting…