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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year you say?

Yes, Happy New Year!

In my mind this is the first working day of the financial advisors or the investment advisors year after the lazy days of summer and it is game on until next summer!

What if I told you that your destiny was in reach and all you have to do was to put pen to paper / fingers to keys and write out / type out your Vision and Goals.

Would you do it?

A better question is; What prevents you from doing it?

It is because of your past experience of The Law Of Attraction.

The Law Of Attraction is absolute; “You will Attract what you focus on”.

Has your Attraction in the past been based on The Unmet Needs Disease?

Here is and example of The Unmet Needs Disease; The Unmet Need of Worthiness generates a Negative Belief like “I am not good enough” and a Negative Emotion like despair.

The Unmet Need fuels the Negative Belief and the Negative Emotion and you are fooled into thinking your Vision and Goals are too much for you which makes you fearful of accepting and writing out your true capacity.

Once again The Unmet Need of Worthiness generates a Negative Belief like “I am not good enough” and a Negative Emotion like despair.

Failing to write your Vision and Goals keeps you locked into the Unmet Need of Safety which becomes your jailer and in a state of fear that you may be transformed.

Playing it Safe is a habit and most give up when they see what can be realized and few will accept the burden of their own victory.