Faster & Farther
Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform
September 13, 2005
Are You Taking Care of the Incompletions to Eliminate Distractions?
Here is a copy of a letter that I shared with a team in advance of presenting at strategic planning session. Thank you in advance
September 12, 2005
Three Levels Of Survival
I read an article that followed the incredible devastation and loss due to Hurricane Katrina about survival kits. Here is the list of the contents
September 9, 2005
Which Door Will You Choose?
Someone came up with a quote; “There is door number one marked Freedom and door number two marked Security”. If you choose door number two
September 8, 2005
Tour de Sea Wall + Rain
On Sunday, I went into Reckless The Bike Store to get air for our bikes in advance of our Sunday morning ride around the sea
September 7, 2005