Who Are YOU?
Who are You? You are a Being. You are not your Dysfunctional Ego Mind that has YOU consumed with primary survival and the subsequent Unmet
October 11, 2006
Symantec Frustration
I’m usually very happy with Symantec Products – Tuesday was not one of those days. My e-mail is operating at a snails pace. Simon Parsons
October 10, 2006
I Bought A New Convertible!
I Bought A New Convertible! The past 6 weeks while traveling on many flights have created the time to write six to seven hand written
October 10, 2006
Come Along For A Bicycle Ride
Saturday morning brought time to reflect, letting my mind wonder vs. being 101% focused on a project so I used my journal to write down
October 7, 2006
The Calm Midway Between 17 Financial Advisor Public Speaking Presentations In 90 Days
Our goals are to; – Speak internationally – Coach a few select clients on a one on one basis – Coach groups of clients in
October 5, 2006