Health Is A State Of Mind
I’ve coined the phrase Health Is A State Of Mind off of my good friend Robert Gignac’s book, Wealth Is A State Of Mind. As
April 30, 2009
Using Our Own Hiring System To Hire An Assistant
I flew to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on Tuesday evening to speak on Wednesday at the; Advocis North Central Saskatchewan Chapter Spring Professional Development Day Wednesday April
April 29, 2009
The Think Big Manifesto
Yesterday’s blog about general financial advisors needing to reinvent and brand themselves was right on the heels of Michael Port’s release of The Think Big
April 28, 2009
General Financial Advisors
General Motors kill off of Pontiac was writing on the wall and Buick should go along with Pontiac and Oldsmobile making far better sense to
April 27, 2009
Practice With Purpose
Whew! What a week! Time to Practice With Purpose on my end. Valleys – practicing without purpose, complaining about what could have been Plateaus –
April 24, 2009