We are sending out the following e-mail to a few clients.
Dear ____________,
We have enjoyed working with you and knowing you as a person and congratulations for the results that you have achieved.
At the same time, the criteria that we have for our business is not being met and for this reason we are withdrawing from our work with you.
Through the work that we have done together on Eliminating Tolerations and Extending Boundaries, it is clear that you understand that when one is tolerating things and that when boundaries are being crossed, much energy and focus is being lost in the process.
We must maintain the integrity and the rules for running our business for without them, we are out integrity with the rest of our clients.
Thank you for understanding.
Simon Reilly
The criteria that we have for our business is as follows;
– Your coach enjoys working with you
– You are e-mail and web savvy and check and answer your e-mails on a regular basis and you don’t need a lot of telephone baby sitting to understand what can be simply conveyed in an e-mail
– You make every effort to keep your pre-scheduled coaching telephone call and you are on time for your coaching call
– You make payment for your coaching on time
– You complete your assignments and e-mail or fax them in advance of your coaching session
– You complete your Coaching Call Client Form and e-mail or fax it in advance of your coaching session
– You arrive at your coaching session with an open frame of mind
– You don’t try to use your coaching session as a bitch session

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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