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Who Will You Make An Appointment With First Thing Every Morning?

Are you on a waiting list for fulfillment? Fulfillment – a deep Soul oriented experience that one feels when they are living their values and they are being their true Self.

Sometimes we feel worried and anxious when the protective measure of the nervous system is on high alert for a prolonged period of time. It’s not healthy to be on high alert all the time. During extended periods of stress it’s hard to feel satisfied. So we wait.

The nervous system wonders, how can I manage if I’m empty?

But you don’t have to wait to feel fulfilled. To bring your Self back, before you do anything else, settle in first thing in the morning with practices of breathing, clearing and emptying your mind so you can focus on what’s important.

The Self is not a container for constant and never-ending information and NEWS, false or otherwise.

Stay with the Self and maintain strict awareness, witnessing thoughts, but not involved as the Self, naturally detached from the thoughts, as they pass on like clouds floating into infinite space.

Your Self already knows what is required and more information and NEWS is not necessary in the present awareness.

Breathe in to present awareness rather than acceding to the nervous system.

Don’t give the amygdala the power to stay another day in fear and ignorance.

These blogs include helpful practices;