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Who Is Running Your Business?


Are you 100% present in the moment with your business?

Does your business have you running towards or away from your business?

Either way you are likely missing your goal and target because you are not 100% focused and present with your business at hand.

Is your business just a form a coping or medication for the fear that you are running away from?

Being 100% focused and present in the moment means present with the task at hand and not obsessively thinking about e-mail, the phone, voice mail and the never ending to-do list.

People don’t realize that their business has become an instrument for their fear based ego mind to keep them running … running in their business to gain approval, control, recognition, security or worthiness from outside of themselves consumed with e-mail, the phone, voice mail and the never ending to-do list.

What we don’t realize is the ego mind or shadow side has us running to meet long standing unmet needs of approval, control, recognition, security or worthiness which fuel an array of limiting beliefs and emotions.

Limiting beliefs of “I am not safe or good enough” which fuel emotions of anxiety and sorrow.

Your ego mind or shadow side has you believing that you can’t deal with these unmet needs related limiting beliefs and emotions so you run.

You run to the outside world through your business with the mistaken belief that you will somehow gain the fulfillment that is missing from within.