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What would happen if you got very, very committed?

I am going to take a hiatus from Blogging until after Labor Day.

I am doing this because I want to invest my time and energy into creating the foundation & system to launch and to succeed at the best quarter that I have ever had in my entire business life.

While you are awaiting the above material that I will be sharing in my September 1st E-Newsletter that will publish on September 6th – 7th –

Reflect back on your results for the last quarter –

What do your results look like to you?

What do your results sound like to you?

What do your results feel like to you?

What would happen if you got very, very committed to making this the best quarter that you have ever had in your entire business life?

What would happen if you gave up; blaming, coping mechanisms, distractions, excuses, guilt, laziness, limiting beliefs, limiting emotions, self judgments, sleep, stories, time wasters – all of it?

Until September 6th – Simon