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We’ve Got Atawa?!?

It was the perfect moment, about 7:30am and I was in the shower after working from 5am and while the water was flowing I was right in the moment thinking about my future presentation that I’m doing for Pro-Seminars in Las Vegas on September 8th.

Over the noise of the water and in the background I heard a faint voice say “we’ve got atawa”.

Atawa? Now that is a new one. The voices in my head are speaking a different language. 🙂 I heard it again only a little louder. I turned around and Laura was standing in the door of the bathroom saying with a great big smile “we’ve got Ottawa” meaning we have landed the opportunity to speak to 200 – 300 financial advisors at Advocis Ottawa, Ontario on November 20th.

Now that is a great way to start the day and head into September and our speaking calendar is really starting to fill up.

My Wednesday work on my How To Thrive In A Recession and Clearing Your Roadblocks Power Points came together easily because of the articles that I wrote in my July E-Newsletter along with the article that I wrote on Tuesday for Advisor.ca for their October edition.

While doing my research I finally found an article entitled Bankers Use Secret Clinics, Nurses to Beat Breakdowns that I wrote about in the following article in my July E-Newsletter; Perfect Obsession, Mental Illness & Financial Services Workers Seek Treatment Mash Up

Kim Black and I have started our work on a new 5 minute Show Reel using the footage from the presentation that I did for the Nanaimo, BC Freedom 55 Office back in May. Here is our work which needs a title, music and video clip breaks; Kim Black Is Creating A New Show Reel.

Onward, upward.