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Webvisor – The Financial Advisors’ Guide To The Internet

Feeling honored to have been asked by Bart Wisniowski and Loic Jeanjean of AdvisorWebsites to write the Preface for their new book; Webvisor, the financial advisors’ guide to the Internet

Webvisor – The Financial Advisors’ Guide To The Internet


When there is no understanding, there is judgment. When there is judgment, there can be no understanding.

Like the Chinese Proverb that states, “I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand” … Webvisor – The Financial Advisor’s Guide To The Internet, will cause financial advisors to understand and capitalize on the internet & social media through reading the thought leading information, and through the completion of the exercises that are at the end of each chapter.

There are some financial advisors that scoff and ridicule the benefits of the internet & social media and this is because they don’t understand.

An absence of understanding the internet & social media is like accompanying your best high net worth client to an awards dinner where they are the guest of honour…. and you forget to bring your business cards.

The internet & social media are just like an event. You don’t go around flogging your business cards, but just like being visible on the internet & social media, you present your business card to those that visit you for one.

Understanding the internet & social media is about understanding that it isn’t about what you are going to get from the internet & social media, it is about understanding that with all relationships, it is about the value that you bring to the relationships that you serve.

Financial advisors will be better positioned to meet and exceed their sales goals with the support of the internet & social media through their actions that will be inspired by the value added new thought leading understanding from Webvisor – The Financial Advisor’s Guide To The Internet.

Simon Reilly