This is a draft of an article that I am writing.
You are the Advisor.
At the same time, you are more than an Advisor, you are also a Being.
You are not the Advise that you give your clients.
You are not your Business.
You are not the Money that your clients invest.
You are not the Product that your clients invest in.
You are not your Possessions.
You are not your Reputation.
The Advisor that bases their identity, who they are, on all of the above Ego Based Identities is sure to suffer while we are all Weathering The Potential Economic Emotional Storm.
That is the point; WE ARE ALL likely to be Weathering The Potential Economic Emotional Storm in some way shape or form.
The Leading Advisor will first focus their attention on the relationship they have with themselves which will build a strong foundation to build strong relationships with their clients because this is what their clients want.
The Leading Advisor will base their identity on their values, positive beliefs and positive feelings versus the fear based unmet needs, limiting beliefs and limiting motions of their ego mind and all of the ego’s shallow forms of identity.
The Leading Advisor has learned how to meet their unmet needs, limiting beliefs and limiting emotions … in other words they have faced their deepest fears and are free of fear and therefore they have the emotional space to be able to be available for their clients.
The Leading Advisor has values of communication, empathy and understanding and their client’s realize that while there are ups and downs in the market, the client experiences that their advisor has a real value of communication, empathy and understanding and is able to listen to their concerns.
If an advisor has not been promising pie in the sky market leading performance then their clients will understand that there are ups and downs in the market and will stay with them through adjustments in the market.
John Kehoe coined the phrase “thoughts are real forces”. In other words, you attract whatever you believe.
Does your ego worry about all of its forms of identity”?
Do you focus your attention on the relationship you have with yourself which builds a strong foundation building strong relationships with your clients because this is what your clients really want?

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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