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Vision PowerPoint

This Blog is taking advantage of an opportunity to both write a Blog and create an outline for a new PowerPoint Slide for the Pro-Seminar Presentations that I am doing in Ottawa and Toronto next week.

Today, Tuesday was a bit of slow start getting up too early to accommodate an early appointment with a client to make it easy for then to go out of town. The appointment with my client went very well.

Maybe today’s start was a little off with the Edmonton Oiler’s 5 – 4 loss to the Carolina Hurricanes and the loss of their star goalie, Dwayne Roloson. 🙁

I had a conversation about forming a Strategic Alliance with a Mutual Fund company to provide them with speaking for their upcoming Educational Days – we will see how that goes. This was followed by a request for a testimonial from another Strategic Alliance that could make a significant difference in us presenting to more and more Advocis Educational Days. This will lead to completing the Speaking Folio update that I am working on,

Month End Budget – Cash Flow review done and we are very much on track!

Joy was the feeling when Laura produced the final draft of our June 1 E-Newsletter with “color pictures” – a way cool addition!

Laura and I need to have a meeting to discuss prospective client follow as there are a few waiting in the wings to grab the last spots that we have.

Given that I am going to be on the road next week I have to focus a little bit more on pre-planning next week in advance.

Vision PowerPoint

The experts in the Financial Advisor Industry say that Wealth Management, Unique Branding and Niche Marketing are the way to go.

I contend that the reason that Financial Advisors remain stuck in doing the same old things over and over again, the same old way is that they don’t understand that they have been sabotaging themselves and holding themselves back by trying to get their unconscious Unmet Needs met through their clients and their business.

In brief;

– Unmet Needs of Safety create Limiting Beliefs of I have no time
– Unmet Needs of Control create Limiting Beliefs of I am out of control
– Unmet Needs of Recognition create Limiting Beliefs of I wonder what people with think of me if I specialize with Wealth Management, Niche Marketing & Unique Branding?

Unmet Needs will dominate one’s Values.

– Values are the DNA of Vision.
– Vision is The Foundation of the Business Plan.
– The Business Plan is The Foundation of The Marketing Plan.
– The Marketing Plan is The Foundation for Unique Branding.
– The Unique Branding is The Foundation for Niche Marketing.

Without all of the above the Wealth Management, Unique Branding and Niche Marketing are doomed.