The movie, The Secret, popularized the idea of the Law of Attraction and introduced it to a broader audience. There’s an old saying, “You don’t have a secret, a secret has you.”
In this case, you don’t have an Unmet Need, it has you. It is time to wake up.
Earlier, I quoted John Kehoe, author of Mind Power, who tells us “thoughts are real forces.”
Are you saying, “I don’t have enough time,” “There is too much to do,” or, “I’ll never get it all done?” Whatever you believe, you are right, because that is what you will attract.
What if you were to adopt the belief, “I have an abundance of time for anything that I am committed to doing,” instead?
The fact that we are electromagnetic beings isn’t really a secret. Every first-year physics student knows that. What is now coming under very careful study however is the realization that what we are feeling at any moment causes the emanation of vibrational waves.
These waves match up to corresponding tones on a piano keyboard. For example, if the vibrations generated by your current emotional and thinking state are below “middle C” on the piano, they are associated with negative emotions and beliefs. And, the lower they go, the slower the vibration and the more negative they are.
If your vibrational waves correspond to middle C or higher on the piano keyboard, they’re higher and faster vibrations associated with pleasure. The higher they get, the more excited they get.
That piano is us. Take even a tiny bit of fret or worry, and you’re down below middle C. Take unbridled hate, and now you’ve dropped down into the arena of very powerful, long, slow vibrations.
Another way to demonstrate the physical effects of expressing our values (positive feelings and beliefs) versus our Unmet Needs (negative emotions and beliefs) comes from the scientific study of the emotional response of water.
Masaru Emoto, author of The Message from Water (, and his team, experiment with water samples exposed to music, spoken words, words typed and taped to glass containers, photographs and long-distance thought messages. Their amazing photographs of their crystallized water samples show just how greatly water is affected by positive and negative stimuli. That includes, of course, the water inside of us – anywhere from 50 to 75% of an adult’s total body weight.
An advisor invoking the positive side of the Law of Attraction will:
- Offer his or her expertise (versus prospecting or trying to sell)
- Take a genuine interest (versus trying to build rapport)
- Set a selling target of twice the quota amount (versus trying to meet quota)
- Seek to serve (rather than persuade or cajole)
- Seek to educate (versus trying to sell)
- Come across as graceful and professional (versus being pushy)
- Expand the potential customer’s vision, expectations and goals (versus touting features and benefits)
- Be motivated by the improvements to their clients’ lives (versus their sales numbers)
- Gain most new business via referrals (versus advertisement and promotion)
- Generate new interest continually (versus marketing and prospecting in cycles)
Once you understand the link between Unmet Needs and the Law of Attraction, it’s pretty simple to see why.
This article was originally published in Curing The Unmet Needs Disease © Simon Reilly 2008

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