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Turning The Corner

Turning The Corner
– photo courtesy of; http://www.wickartwork.com/Fine_Art_Portfolio_Landscapes.aspx

Last week I believe I turned the corner with writing my book to make The Secret To Removing Your Roadblocks To Your Success to include stories about fictitious financial advisors versus just a technical book. For more please see the Blog; Living the Life of Reilly

Having said this, I am also going to do my best to make my Blog about stories about fictitious financial advisors as I have a basis from loads of stories to tell as I invest 100 hours a month speaking with financial advisors that are clients or prospective clients.

The outcome is you will get more value and learn through the process and I may be able to selfishly write some content for my book at the same time.

Reflecting back, I have 10 years in this business format of coaching one on one clients on the phone x 12 months a year x 100 hours per month = 12,000 hours of stories – that should be enough.

Stay tuned.