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Tour de Sea Wall + Rain

On Sunday, I went into Reckless The Bike Store to get air for our bikes in advance of our Sunday morning ride around the sea wall. The owner of the store, Paul Dragan exclaimed, you guys are not like the rest of the people in the neighborhood that don’t go out in the rain.

I exclaimed back that we have enjoyed riding the sea wall 3 – 4 times a week over the summer and we were going to do our best to ride as far as we could into the fall and winter. You know there are “no fat old men”. The cycling as really helped us stay lean and improves our muscle strength. Laura mentioned to me that she is riding in top gear a lot of the time.

Paul’s comments really hit home as we had gone to Mountain Equipment Co-op the day before to purchase cycling rain gear.

Sunday was the test as it started to sprinkle as soon as we got out there. And sure enough, the rain gear and we got put to the test because we rode through a downpour for more than half of the ride.

And it was great! The rain gear really worked along with the cool, moist air, the exercise and the beauty of the city all wrapped up into one.

During my conversation with Paul he exclaimed, I can’t understand it. I ride my bike over the Burrard Street Bridge and notice people sitting in their ivory towers glued to the TV set watching CNN. We live in the most beautiful city in the world, why not get out there and enjoy it.

Yes why not. There are those that are interested in living the life that they desire and there are those that are committed.

And speaking of “there are no fat old men” – they say that men put on ten pounds a year from twenty on. If you are close to 50 that is 30 pounds. What if you are close to 50 and it takes ten years to loose ten pounds and you are 30 pounds over weight?

Better get started.