Your vision is the solution.
Think about your clients. You can create an extraordinary difference for your clients when you can think bigger, strengthen yourself from the inside out and get your vision in order. Remember that saying, “If it is going to be, it is up to me?”
When David walked onto the battlefield to face Goliath, most people said, “My goodness look, he’s going to get killed for sure!” It was the people with vision who said, “Look how big that sucker is, David can’t miss!” And, one shot was all it took. David had vision. Right? It was Goliath’s forehead. One shot. That’s what it took. He was committed.
Show your clients that you have vision that you’re thinking bigger, that you’re thinking beyond the bad news – both for their sake and for your own sake. When you’re “walking your talk,” people will be drawn to you.
Vision is about what you see as possible for others in the world. Vision is about what you can do to help make that happen. Vision is about serving the needs of others, not fulfilling your own. The magical thing is, when you do define that vision, it will have an extraordinary impact on your own life as well. Your vision will pull you forward and make all your dreams come true.
“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark… Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.” -Ayn Rand
“I would like to thank you for the help you have already provided. That one realization is worth the price of the whole program. I look forward to the next steps.” – Grant McPhail, Rice Financial Group, Brandon, MB
This article was originally published in Curing The Unmet Needs Disease © Simon Reilly 2008

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
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