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The Winner Stands Alone Book Review

The Winner Stands AlonePaulo Coelho’s new book, The Winner Stands Alone, was a read that I had to fight myself not to put down not because it was so good, but because it was as dark as the sentiments confirm in the book reviews at the bottom of the above link.

As I plowed through the darkness, just to honor my commitment to finish what I start, I kept wondering why the writer of something as magical as The Alchemist would write something so heavily into the dark side of the force.

As soon as I finished the book I started reading Coelho’s The Valkyries for the second time. The characters in this book are on a quest to speak with and see their angels.

The Valkyries made me realize that part of our quest is to be comfortable in both the light and the dark without being consumed by the darkness. Being afraid of the dark or the negative only gives it more power.