The Unmet Need Disease™
This is the new book title that is on the table.
Consider … Clearing Your Roadblocks To Success or Removing Your Roadblocks To Success as book titles.
Don’t they sound just like everyone else?
Wouldn’t you want to find out if you have The Unmet Need Disease™?
* * *
Thursday was invested in Getting Very Organized following the Blogs that I wrote entitled Getting Things Done and Command Central Is Organized.
Laura & I are leaving for Victoria, BC mid day on Friday to spend time with Laura’s mom Helen until Sunday.
So given that the year starts in September, it is time for all of us to reconnect with our Vision and 90 Day Goals.
Happy Labor Day Long Weekend.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You