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The Ultimate Deep-Dive Values Discovery Process and Examination Before Discovery

Most fact-finders fail because the fact-finder, both process and advisor delivering the fact finder, are all about the facts and not about both the facts and feelings that must be discovered and understood at both the advisor and prospect/client level to help prospects/clients discover and invest in what they truly want. 

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  • Niagara Falls, ON – June 2, 2024

Learn the following vital understandings to help you implement The Ultimate Deep-Dive Values Discovery Process to help prospects/clients achieve the solutions they want seamlessly.

  • Discover your Value Proposition 
  • Examination Before Discovery – The difference between a consultant and a salesperson
  • The Ultimate Deep-Dive Values Discovery Process and Questions 
  • The True Values Of Today’s Successful Consultants 

Are you in consulting or sales? 

Salespeople who move too quickly into the salesperson’s perceived solution to what the prospects/clients need are often ill-prepared and unconfident.

Some salespeople fear going into a deep-dive discovery process that addresses facts and feelings.

  • Without facts and feelings, it appears more straightforward for the salesperson to pitch the solution.
  • The salesperson wants to get the sale and run, often blaming the prospect/client for not buying the salesperson’s ill-conceived solution. 
  • Salespeople need to do their work on themselves to do their own deep dive discovery process, including facts and feelings.

Let’s face it: we are all aging, and your prospects/clients have seen every sales pitch known to humankind. A sales pitch is revolting, especially when the sales pitch has more to do with a salesperson’s needs than with the prospects/clients’ wants and values.

Prospects/clients don’t know what they want, and it is the values-based consultant’s responsibility to help the prospect/client discover what they want so the prospect/client can decide on an interactive solution that the prospect/client will be happy with.

Prospects/clients will appreciate the consultant providing discovery questions to help them understand what they truly want.

Whether in consulting or sales, The Ultimate Deep-Dive Values Discovery Process and Examination Before Discovery Presentation is for you to dive deeper into understanding yourself and your prospects/clients to help everyone achieve what they want.

Simon Reilly, of Leading Advisor, is an Advocis, FPA, GAMA LAMP, MDRT, NAIFA, Pro-Seminars, TEDx, and WIFS Speaker and expert Business Coach and Values and Behavioral Analyst.