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The True Value Of Integrity

“I don’t build in order to have clients. I have clients in order to build.” – Howard Roark played by Gary Cooper.

This means to me that Roark designed buildings to enjoy his creative process with a view of sharing his value and if it did or didn’t please the masses, then that was OK with him. This was rather than getting clients and then compromising his integrity and creativity to build them what he thought was a monstrosity in his mind’s eye. Roark would not compromise or sell out his integrity.

Some believe that Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand are among the best books that have ever been written.

“It does not matter that only a few in each generation will grasp and achieve the full reality of man’s proper stature–and the rest will betray it. It is those few that move the world and give life its meaning–and it is those few that I have always sought to address. The rest are no concern of mine; it is not me or The Fountainhead that they will betray: it is their own souls.” – Ayn Rand
The Atlas Shrugged movie is rumored to be released in 2009.