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The Sand, The Oyster & The Pearl


In my previous Productive & NOT Busy Blog I wrote;

These other feelings can include anxiety because I may be feeling rushed because I fell unconscious and not only created too many things on my to do list but I actually start engaging into trying to do all of them without even considering if the time is right. My unconscious ego mind will do its best to make everything into an A priority. I suppose it thinks by accomplishing all this stuff it would get some insane form of approval. Staying hooked into this in the past would have pulled me into the trap of feeling unworthy because I couldn’t possibly get it all done.

Please note that an unmet need can be both a blessing and a curse.

These same unmet needs of approval were a past catalyst in my childhood to help to sort out the trails and tribulations of my family drama with the hopes that when thing calmed down, I would get the approval and love that I was looking for.

The residual of this needs based seeking of approval has turned out to be the catalyst for the valuable good ideas that my clients receive from me. They appreciate the help to be able to sort out rather complex situations in a short period of time complete with an action plan. It is like the unmet need of approval was the grain of sand in the oyster and after many years of irritation, a beautiful pearl emerges which is what I am blessed with today.
