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The Book Of Eli

I’m no longer wondering “what is Denzel Washington doing acting in yet another post apocalyptic disaster movie”.

I rarely watch movies on plane flights and use the quiet time for more creative pursuits but after weeks of work behind me and another week on the road ahead I decided to take a break and watch a movie on my way from Lake Tahoe to Toronto.

Eli is charged with the purpose of carry the last remaining copy of a very special and powerful book to the coast.

It is sad that this movie is as violent as it is, but vampires and violence is what it seems to take to draw the attention of the unconscious masses.

Bandits and marauders try to interfere with Eli’s journey as there are those from the dark side that would pay any price for the book as they have heard of its legendary power.

The book was written in such a way that one needed a special talent to truly understand it and while Eli finally lost the book the dark side, it didn’t matter as the ones on the dark side lacked the special talent to read it.

Given that Eli was practicing his special talent to read the book, he was able to dictate the book from memory to those that he met on the coast when he reached his destination.

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Confucius

Eli was a man of purpose and the movie reminded me to revisit my purpose to confirm that we are on track.

The movie closed with Eli giving thanks; “Thank you for giving me the strength and conviction to complete the task that you set out for me”.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help our clients and their teams to feel fulfilled through the development, realization and enactment of their values, vision, mission and purpose.

We define fulfillment as a deep, soul-orientated feeling that one experiences when they are expressing their values, and being themselves.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help our clients and their teams to wholeheartedly engage in their businesses to identify, enjoy and profitably deliver their best talents for the benefit of their clients, teams and themselves.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to seek wisdom, enhance understanding and provide encouragement.

Do you see the distinction between the three terms?

Vision is about what you see as possible.

Mission is what you are going to do, to make that vision happen.

Purpose is how you are going to be, to further that possibility.