It’s Sunday, August 19, 2007 @ 5:22pm EST and I am on a direct flight from Comox, BC to Toronto, ON with one short stop in Calgary, AL. This is a real treat as I usually have to change planes in Calgary which can take anywhere from 1 – 2 ½ hours. On my way back out west, I have waited in Calgary for 5 hours for flight home but this is rare.
So instead of arriving in Toronto at the usual 9:30pm EST, I’ll arrive at 6pm giving me time for a workout before dinner.
So I hope that you can tell by my writing that I feel like I have had the best flight in ages and having a break from travel and public speaking since June 16, 2007 also helps.
In last weeks Blog I mentioned that I was Tearing The Power Point Apart i.e. The Removing Your Roadblocks Power Point Presentation and it is completely ready to go.
In more recent Blogs I have been talking about staying mindful and awake about everything that I do and Tearing The Power Point Apart was no exception.
I thought that I could do this last Thursday morning and it should seem as no surprise, it took a lot more time so it took last Friday and Saturday morning to complete.
There was a time at about 40% of the way through when I became tired and even though I was doing my best take a pause now and then to be mindful and awake, I felt that I was going to quit and just go with the tried and true Power Point that I have developed over 2005/2006/2007. You know what they say; “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
At the same time, I view that September as the beginning of our coaching and speaking season and I didn’t feel like presenting the same old, same old to some of the audience members that may have seen me speak before.
I have to tell you that I am confirming that new Removing Your Roadblocks Power Point Presentation really works because while working out the details, reading and reviewing new presentation got me into the energy, passion and conviction to pull me through to completion.
My outcome was to turn the talk from a presentation into a workshop and that is exactly what I have accomplished.
The only thing I have to do is print it off when I get to Toronto to review it for the timing and to have a hard copy in the event of equipment failures.
These planes are so productive and I have quite a lot to share about my work that includes;
• Saving $6000 on my cell phone bill – I am stunned about this one
• Planning for the week
• This years experience at this time of year compared to lat year
• Setting the intention for this trip
• New Power Point Slides
You will note that I have posted a few of the new slides that I created as Blogs.
Have to take a break right now as we are landing.
Here are the notes for the new Power Points Slides on Birth Of The Dysfunctional Ego Mind and Desire Is Not Bad.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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