The Pro-Seminars Toronto Speaking Gig is complete and 20 + happy attendees will be receiving my 12 Day E-Course, 2 attendees wish to discuss becoming clients and 2 attendees wish me to contact them about speaking at one of their company functions. Results a little low as I am not at my best as an afternoon speaker in the east when still on pacific time – meaning I was up at 3am my time.
Life is like a box of chocolates – “ya never know what you are going to get”. I met someone that I had met a few times 15 – 20 years ago that was and is in the mortgage business. Ironically I’m talking to an audience about losing the Anthony Robbins Franchise and that as a result of my experience, I have dedicated the rest of my business life to provide my clients with a sustainable system to run their lives and their businesses so that they don’t have to give up their life for their business. Low and behold the person that I met today, I met a few times in the past just before I bought the Anthony Robbins Franchise. Six degrees of separation. Perhaps we will be able to add value to each others businesses?
The idea of adding Mind Maps via Mind Genius to my PowerPoint came to me yesterday so I woke up this AM to tackle this project. Turns out that my version of Mind Genius didn’t allow this option. The folks at Mind Genius are located in the UK and their customer service is absolutely outstanding as Kirstin (who is a saint) baby sat me with I don’t know how many e-mails to get it right. I sense that this was me operating in the eastern time zone having woken up at 3am my time.
Here is draft (due to size restrictions) of what I mean;
So it is getting on 5pm eastern time and I’ve got to get my gear together for tomorrow as I am flying to Ottawa from Toronto for a 10am appointment, a 2:20pm speaking gig for Pro-Seminars and then flying back to Toronto at 6pm.
The evening is going to be invested to work on some special project work to keep me awake to get acclimatized to the time zone.
I stopped off at the front desk of the hotel to let them know that the expiry date of the mixed nuts in the mini bar was September 2004. This must be an omen – stay away from the snacks while on the road.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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