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Speaking Is About Vision, Values and Intention

Remembering to sit quietly in advance of my speaking presentations is very important and today was no exception.

The time allows me to Clear away the stresses of travel and to get focused on what is important.

My presentation is about adding value to the audience and inspiring them to be all that they can be.

At the same time I intended on receiving 4 requests from the audience where the listener checks off;

Yes! Please contact me! I am ready to make changes to my business.

This has been changed from;

Yes! Please contact me to have a conversation about The Leading Advisor Coaching Program.

Out of the 45 attendees we received;

22 ( 49%) Yes! I would like to receive your 12 Day Free E-Course & E-Newsletter by E-Mail

5 (125%) Yes! Please contact me! I am ready to make changes to my business.

On the road again and back to Toronto by noon for the next gig at 8am on Wednesday.

Ah! After the drive I have a day and an evening to write.