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Simon Talking No Bull Marketing™

Simon Talking No Bull Marketing To The Young & Old Bull.

You may have of heard something similar to the following based on an crude old joke where the young bull says to the old bull, “lets run down the hill and prospect one of those cows!” The old bull says to the young bull “lets not and walk down and prospect them all”. The No Bull Marketing™ Consultant says to both of them, “let’s use No Bull Marketing™ or Nurture Marketing or Pull Marketing and have the qualified ones walk up here and ask us about what we have to offer” because they checked out our web site and blog and subscribed to our e-newsletter.

Push Marketing is the old school cold calling, direct mail and newspaper advertising. No Bull Marketing™ or Nurture Marketing or Pull Marketing is finding a niche where you can solve a problem, write about solutions in your website, e-newsletter and blog, develop your writing into speaking presentations, write for magazines & newspapers, go out and tell 10,000 people in your niche and never do another cold call again which is exactly what Chris Barrow told me to do and we are doing it.

It’s 11:30am MT on Tuesday in Calgary and I successfully delivered How To Thrive In A Recession to Pro-Seminars at 8am and Laura and I working from our hotel room until our 3pm appointment with The Board of The Advocis School.

The original blog was posted as No Bull Marketing™ and the idea to cut and paste me into the picture just came to me out of the blue and I asked Kim Black to create it for fun – well done Kim!