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Should You Focus On Strengths Or Weakness? Part 3

Welcome to the September 2013 edition of the Balance * Plan * Reward Newsletter and Part 3 of Should You Focus On Strengths Or Weakness?

Over the past 18 months, I’ve been taking my personal development work more seriously than ever after experiencing a number of business crises in the fall of 2011.

While I have been doing plenty of work over the years, there are times where there is an absence of joy.

“Simon, my immediate thought on reading your August newsletter is you have to be the most honest and generous person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  Thank you.”

Michele Jolley, CFP
Certified Financial Planner
Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc

According to Wikipedia, work ethic is a value based on hard work and diligence.

But does work always have to be hard?

Seems to me, hard work is about drudgery, effort, exertion, grind, labor, misery, slog and toil, and believe me I had plenty of that working as a boy and into my teens in my father’s salvage yard covered in grease from head to toe and just about every weather condition that you can imagine.

How prosperous can one be for their clients and themselves coming from drudgery, effort, exertion, grind, labor, misery, slog and toil?

In my view, drudgery, effort, exertion, grind, labor, misery, slog and toil are not based on value; they are the result of unmet needs like worthiness that fuel negative emotions and negative beliefs resulting in negative behaviors all combining to become a self-fulfilling prophecy of repeated negative results based on a core negative belief of “I am not good enough and therefore I am worthless.”

As I write this, it seems to me that “true work ethic is a value based on doing what you love through vocation.”

One cannot build a sustainable business or personal life standing on the foundation of the opposites of values and unmet needs; it is unsustainable. One has to understand the difference and voluntarily choose their values and vocation and become the victor.

Earlier I used the word crises. As you will read, they were crises because of my state of mind. Looking back they were more like problems. Crises or problems they were still upsets to what I value and the vision I subscribe to.

You can read more about the crises or problems here in my July Newsletter along with the work that I have been doing to deepen my understanding in my August Newsletter.

Click here to read the rest of my September Newsletter.