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Seize Your Planning & Organizing Days!

To walk my talk, the first thing that I did on Wednesday morning was to look at my December calendar and book off December 8 & 9 for me. I did this given that we have been on the road off and on for 12 days in November and if I don’t take the time to book time off for me, there is a good chance that my calendar will get filled up with all of the financial advisor coaching and financial advisor speaking enquires that are coming in via my new financial advisor coaching book, financial advisor coaching website and financial advisor speaking presentations.

You have heard the expression “that if is going to be it is up to me”. I give my financial advisor coaching clients the same advice especially before they go on a holiday which is before they leave for holidays, book off the first two days back for themselves to get organized. If I don’t, I’ll bet that if you looked at their calendar they will have unconsciously booked a 9am client appointment the day that they return. This creates a situation where my financial advisor coaching clients get caught up in working in their business versus on their business and the end result is they lose site of their vision and the results that they are achieving. When this happens, one can easily lose their inspiration because they are taking care of everyone else and not themselves.
I plan to take December 20th – January 3rd off and I want to take work time off in advance on December 8 & 9 just for me, way in advance of December 20th to complete on all my December projects. The only work that I will do during December 20th – January 3rd is to take a day or two to dream big for 2009 and beyond.