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Seize Your Day!


To walk my talk, the first thing that I did on Wednesday morning was to look at my December calendar and book off December 8 & 9 for me. I did this given that we have been on the road off and on for 12 days in November and if I don’t take the time to book time off for me, there is a good chance that my calendar will get filled up with all of the coaching and speaking enquires that are coming in via the new book and speaking presentations.
You have heard the expression “that if is going to be it is up to me”. I sometimes feel like I sound like a broken record talking with my clients about booking off the first two days for themselves after they return from being on the road or from being on holidays. If I don’t, I’ll bet that if you looked at their calendar they have unconsciously booked a 9am client appointment the day that they return.
Come to think of it, I had appointments booked today but I have the sense to know that I cannot go flat out without taking work time off, not the weekend, for just me to spend on whatever I like, which is not client related. I guess my justification is my first call today was with Chris Barrow my business coach.
In my case, in advance of December 8 & 9 for me, I plan to take December 20th – January 3rd off and I want to take time in advance of December 20th to complete on all my December projects. The only work that I will do during this time is to take a day or two to dream big for 2009 and beyond.