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Scalable On Hold – More Writing

Thursday evenings drive via the Malahat Highway to Victoria, BC was uneventful only that it felt ten times faster as there was little traffic as I drove through the little towns and villages.

I awoke at 5:15am PDT to day six of getting over the bug that I picked up while I was on the road last week and I almost feel back to normal. Not pushing, this week has been looking after my clients and completing the speaking presentations with little extra curricular activity. 5:30am in the gym for a half hour of rigorous cardio working up the best sweat in over a week, a shower, breakfast at 6:30pm, out to Starbucks and then back to my room to write this Blog and await my 9am Financial Advisor Public Speaking Presentation for Pro-Seminars.

Sidebar – You may wonder why I continue to write “Financial Advisor Public Speaking Presentation” long hand and the reason is that I believe that this will help my Internet Search Engine Rankings in the event that anyone is searching using this term.

During last nights drive I thought about defining meaning for December.

Given that I am not speaking in December, December could be a month of creative work on new projects and then again December could be a month of creative work on enhancing existing projects – fine tuning so to speak. This would be beneficial because January 2007 already holds four speaking opportunities.

2006 has been a creative year working on and completing countless new projects.

I am reflecting on this because I am asking myself, do I want to start any more new projects this year. The answer is no.

This includes a Scalable Coaching Program that we were about to launch that would enable us to service more clients via a series of automated systems.

This business is really three businesses:

– Coaching
– Speaking
– Writing

Coaching, Speaking & Writing are all an integral part of each other.

Speaking is providing and effective way for prospective clients to be introduced to our Web Site, Blog, E-Newsletter, Coaching Products and 1:1 Coaching.

Our 1:1 Coaching Client Goals are being met.

If I invest my time and energy into the Scalable Coaching Program, there will be little time to Write.

Writing time is required for Articles & Books.

Articles and Books will increase our Speaking visibility and credibility.

Although “scalable”, the Scalable Coaching Program will still require more of “Simon Time” which is counter to wanting to create more of Simon through Products by way of Articles & Books which will further the Speaking, Coaching & Writing.

It’s 8:30am – time to put my tie on and present “Removing Your Roadblocks To Your Success!”