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Sanitize Your Brain From Emotional Contagion, Hypertension and Pain Dumping

Sanitize Your Brain

From Emotional Contagion, Hypertension and Pain Dumping

Social Distancing and Self Isolation are essential to reduce Emotional Contagion. Emotional Contagion is the phenomenon of having one person’s emotions and related behaviors directly trigger similar emotions and behaviors in other people. When people unconsciously mirror their companions’ expressions of emotion, they come to feel reflections of those companions’ emotions. A healthy way to work through ones Emotions is through the following; The Top Sixteen Reasons To Journal 

These insights will help you to Brain Sanitize from Emotional Contagion, Hypertension and Pain Dumping.

Woman stressed

Emotional Contagion is magnified by Pain Dumping. Pain Dumping is what happens when people don’t have functional ways to deal with their stress, so they talk out their stress with family and friends, or post their stress on social media, unwittingly Pain Dumping their stress on others, repeating their stressful NEWS, which triggers stress in others. We all know the NEWS and it makes little sense in repeating information and misinformation. Re-focus conversations with others by always thanking others for what they have to say along with something like;

Thank you for sharing what is going on with the/your world. Would you be willing to talk about what is working for you with the word/your world which has become a practice of mine and I ‘ll start off:

    • have more than enough 
    • in good health and taking the steps that include the following to stay that way that include clearing/journaling, daily meditation, yoga and lunch time walks
    • a comfortable home environment
    • healthy family and friends
    • successful clients
    • speaking presentations are switching from live to webinars
    • extra time to put better business and personal systems in place

Hypertension has been found to be one of the COVID 19 pre-existing conditions. The emotions of anxiety and fear can weaken the immune system. In a 2003 study, a University of Wisconsin-Madison study found a meditation group increased their response to the 2003 vaccine being used in the study. 

Constantly checking the NEWS that cannot keep up with information and misinformation contributes to anxiety. Looking to the NEWS with hope and fear comes from a lack of something. Faith teaches me that “the best” is what I am experiencing this very moment. Instead of brainwashing with more NEWS, brain sanitize with an Affirmation to build good mental immunity. Affirming will cleanse, dissolve and vanish the habitual emotions and beliefs of universal fear that weaken our spirit. Affirming sharpens our focus from the current crisis driven low level chronic fear of mortality to the awareness to long and ever lasting life. 

Will more and more information disinfect us from feeling helpless, unsafe and vulnerable and the absence of control, power and safety that the amygdala may be feeling?

The only information that I require is this and please join me every 5 minutes with the following Affirmation;

Woman meditating outdoors

“I’m remembering to remember, as I infinitely breathe deeply through my heart, may we all be blessed with an infinite immune system, that is working 24/7/365, to return us all to our true infinite consciousness and health, with every cleansing breath that we take.” Amen.

Joy Chai
Joy Chai
Anthem Blue Cross Danville, CA
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"Simon’s strategies and lesson plans have worked really well for me. The system is a giant loop and it involves me, my life, my past, my present, and my future. Trust the system, and if you let yourself go and trust the system, and follow Simon’s lead, it works. Simon is more than a business coach, he’s a life coach. What might take a therapist months to unravel, Simon resolves in a matter of a few sessions. It’s worth every penny. I feel amazing."
Vernon Fischer
Vernon Fischer
Fischer Financial Victoria BC
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"At this juncture in my career, receiving Simon’s tools, perspective and insight from his own experience has helped guide me to get back on track, which I have probably been off for a long time. Although I did not expect to deep dive into my own mind, life and business process, I appreciate how Simon has nailed a lot of things that we have been working on and I look forward to completing my business and marketing plan to accelerate my business growth and sustainability over the long term."
David Nikssarian
David NikssarianNikssarian Insurance Services Monterey CA
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"Course after course tells you to build a business plan, but never really HOW or WHY to build it. The Leading Advisor business plan tool and Simon’s coaching made it very simple to put a plan together quickly and made it easy to change and adapt to my business Vision, Mission and Goals. More than just the business plan, Simon has helped me to identify all the puzzle pieces in my business and life and start to put them together to see the whole picture of my current and future success. I am looking forward to internalizing and creating daily habits with all of the resources and skills I have received from Simon. As well, I appreciate the continued camaraderie with Simon that has truly had me wanting to show up and do the work to meet and exceed all of my goals."