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Review Of The Road

I’m Blogging these thoughts to empty my head.

I Am Not A Road Warrior – Well Not Today

I am saying this as it is 7:20pm ADT, Friday, November 17, 2006 and I’ve been in bed since I completed the Removing Your Roadblocks To Success to Advocis New Brunswick at 3:30pm. I am suffering from both Jet Lag and I have the Flue. This was by far my toughest day on the road ever. The four hour time difference is by far something that I have never experienced and the Jet Lag of Ontario of three hours is nothing in comparison. For perspective, I got up this morning a 2am PDT which was 6pm ADT here and I fought my body all day – and it was a fight and I’ll spare you the details. None the less, the Removing Your Roadblocks To Success was beyond a success.

Removing Your Roadblocks To Success

The presentation was so successful, beyond my wildest dreams and I am sworn to secrecy and I can’t tell you.

Removing Your Roadblocks To Success New Slides

Today’s Removing Your Roadblocks To Success included about 10 new PowerPoint Slides and I will share these with you over the next few weeks.

Removing Your Roadblocks To Success Logistics

hair on fire.jpg

I need to remind myself to improve our Speaking Presentation Check List and remind me to end five minutes early when I am the last speaker of the day so that the audience does not run out of the room with their hair on fire and NOT fill out the form for our Free E-Newsletter. Yes I know you will do it later – later just like everything else. How ironic, there is a Free E-Newsletter to Eliminate Roadblocks, one is the belief that “I have no time” and many members of the audience are running to get out of the room. Rather their Egos are running or causing then to run and run and run. No disrespect to Advocis New Brunswick, this happens every time that I am the last speaker no matter where I happen to be..

4am ADT, Friday, November 18, 2006 Wakeup

And the journey continues – I hope that I am well enough to fly tomorrow – I may have to delay my return until Sunday.

I’m wrapping up the day treating my self to a movie – Invisible staring Mark Whalberg – a great “boy movie” as Laura would say.