Its 3:50 CST on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 after a very successful Financial Advisor Speaking Presentation for Advocis Westman in Brandon, MB. I’m back in Winnipeg at The Victoria Inn (For Inmates) which is at the airport after a 2 hour drive from Brandon to Winnipeg in the SUV Land Yacht.
Reflections while on the road:
– It’s day two of a six day road trip and the trip is going well
– I called the hotel The Victoria Inn (For Inmates) because there is the little problem of no or little hot water, there is no soap, the heating system is either 100 degrees or NOT and this is all in the middle of Grey Cup Madness – more on that later.
Here is a picture of The Victoria Inn (For Inmates). The inmates are all inside because it is -5 C.
– I still find it a challenge to travel for a full day to the east and not getting to bed until midnight eastern time, then waking up at 5am eastern which is 2am pacific, for me to speak at 8am eastern which is still 5am pacific my time. When this happens, my body is still thinking that it is in a deep sleep when I am speaking and I feel like I am dragging a bit. I’m talking about my standards here which I expect are a lot higher than most speakers.
– Removing Your Roadblocks To Your Success was well received by the Financial Advisors at Advocis Westman and many Financial Advisors approached me with comments of “excellent” and “well done” and here are a couple of the comments: “Really on target with what is going on in our business” “Dynamic and energetic speaker with important message”
– I have two client calls this afternoon and 4 client calls tomorrow and 3 calls with prospects on Wednesday
– Thursday brings and 8am flight to Moncton, NB with dinner with the Advocis New Brunswick Board Of Directors
– The drive from Brandon to Winnipeg was made into fun by thinking about how we are now changing our Web Banners with the seasons with “Road Photos” That Relate To Removing Your Roadblocks” so I was looking out for good road photos along the way.
Yellowhead Highway Under Grey Skies
Blue Skies Shining On Me!
I’m Getting SUV Land Yacht Fever. I’m So Bored On This Highway I’m Taking Pictures Of Myself! 🙂

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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